Thursday, February 6, 2020

Under the Spreading Chestnut Tree - 1984

To understand what is happening in the world. One must realize here in the English speaking part of the city.

To understand what is happening in the world. One must realize here in the English speaking part of the city. One can only be a Roman Catholic(RC), Anglican (C of E) (The established church, of church and state, minus the pope), or a non-conformist (NC) (The state, with varying degrees of the Anglican church in each of the squabbling parties as they vie for power, e.g, George Washington former Anglican turned non-conformist). The Roman Catholic remains triumphant in Heaven, and militant on earth, while Holy Church is waiting patiently in purgatory in confident expectation of heaven. Holy Mother of God pray for us.

The English Speaking Church: The three C's

  The English Speaking Church: The three C's R.C. The Holy Roman Catholic Church (Church or State) both perfect societies C. of E. The A...